Federal Railroad Administration Emergency Order Requiring Face Mask Use in Railroad Operations
I Want My Death to Make You Angry Letter from a frontline nurse in Minnesota
Amtrak Substation Electrician Fatality Injured in Bronx 2 other workers injured in this horrific accident
Juan J. Diaz Rest in Peace
Luke Gsell Another MW Worker Fatality on Amtrak's Northeast Corridor
Numbers Don't Lie Amtrak MW worker fatalities on the rise
United Passenger Rail Federation Founded to Represent All BMWED Amtrak Members
Anthony Sessa elected as General Chairman of the new federation.
The United Passenger Rail Federation is the newest federation within the BMWED-IBT, founded today at an historic convention in Newark, N.J. Read More...
Effective immediately, the Federal Railroad Administration has issued an Emergency order temporarily implementing a mask requirement for all freight and passenger railroad employees in all crafts. This EO in accordance with Center of Disease Control guidelines. Until this deadly pandemic is over masks will be an FRA required part of your PPE. Read More...
...and Conservative Policies Are to Blame. A new study demonstrates that differences in life expectancy correlate closely with many state policies: Most red states have adopted more policies that correlate strongly with lives cut short, while most blue states have adopted opposite policies. Read More...
Gerald Fauth, III. was appointed to the National Mediation Board (NMB) by President Tweety in 2017. On the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fauth dumped enormous amounts of stock, just like his brother-in-law Senator Richard Burr (R-NC). Burr has since resigned his position as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Fauth should resign from the NMB as well. Crooks all. Read More...
I Want My Death to Make You Angry | April 22, 2020 Emily Pierskalla, RN MINNESOTA NURSES ASSOCIATION | Letter from a frontline nurse in Minnesota: "I want you to politicize my death. I want you to use it as fuel to demand change in this industry, to demand protection, living wages, and safe working conditions for nurses and ALL workers. Read More...
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"An Injury To One Is An Injury To All" 